News — Internet
How to Bypass Blocked Sites and Internet Restriction

s It doesn't matter where in the world you live; there are times when you're going to come across blocked sites and a restricted internet. If you come across an internet block, don't panic. Keep reading to find out more how to bypass barred sites and internet restrictions. Why Do Blocked Sites Exist? The possible reasons for the blocks are numerous. Firstly, lots of services use geo-blocking tools to restrict access to their content in certain countries. The issue is perhaps most commonly associated with Netflix's catalog. However, it can also apply to videos on social media (such as sports...
The Licensable Web: Creators, Get Ready to Be Paid for Your Content
Internet Licensing Opinion Paulmelcher Prediction

The first iteration of the Internet, the one we are still somewhat experiencing, was built on the fundamental belief that content should be free. In its early days, it was to be this fantastic social experiment where anyone and everyone would be able to share anything, anytime, with anyone. It was built on the premise that people would use it to share information and knowledge and ultimately make the world a better place. Decades later, we are far from that result. As more entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to turn part of the Internet into lucrative businesses, the early dreams of...
Google Can Now Help You Plan a Trip Despite COVID-19 Restriction

s Travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic are constantly changing, making it difficult to plan a trip. Thankfully, Google has rolled out some new tools to help those ready to travel. Before this update, it was already possible to view some of the COVID-19-related details on Google Maps and Google Search, such as some travel advisories, flight cancellation policies, and nearby vaccine locations. However, Google is now offering even more travel-related information to assist people in planning their next journey. Stay Up-to-Date With the Latest Travel Advisories To avoid any unwanted surprises during your trip, Google has made it...
In the current era, where most of our correspondence is digital, it makes sense that cards have also made the jump online
GreetingCards Internet OnlineTools

Now, whether you’re sending a card to someone across the world or you just remembered someone’s birthday is today, you can send a card to anyone at any time. Here are the best ecard maker websites for that special occasion. 1. Adobe Spark Adobe Spark is an in-depth online media creator. You can use Spark for a lot more than just greeting cards; it’s also perfect for pamphlets, posters, and portfolios. As such, Adobe Spark isn’t good for generating a quick and easy card. It is, however, great for designing one that fits your needs best. You can use the...