News — 28845
New Wilton Multi-Purpose Bench Vise
28844 28845 BenchVise NewTools Workholding

s Wilton has announced two new Multi-Purpose Bench Vises, in 4-1/2″ and 6-1/2″ jaw length sizes. The new models, 450P and 650P, will join an existing 5-1/2″ multi-purpose bench vise, model 550P. The body and moveable jaws on the new Wilton vises are made from 30,000 PSI gray cast iron, and the bases are made from 60,000 PSI ductile iron. Wilton points out that by comparison, most other multi-purpose bench vise bases are constructed with 30,000 gray cast iron. Wilton went with 60,000 PSI ductile iron bases to greatly reduce their susceptibility to cracking or breaking under heavy load. The...