News — Blogging
Top 15+ Australian Affiliate Programs to Monetize Your Website
Blogging Jobs MakingMoneyOnline SmallBusinessHub

If you have started a Facebook Page, blog or website, are an influencer with an Instagram following or just someone who wants to make money on the internet, the next step apart from awesome content is to monetize it so it makes you an income. A good way of doing this is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is promoting and selling other people’s products and taking a cut of the profit. Australian Affiliate Programs are only now really taking off with a few of them really leading the world in customer service for bloggers and small business owners. The best...
The idea for this post about a peek into my work life came from a sweet reader who wanted to see more of “working mom Liz!” Haha

To be honest working mom Liz is a hot mess who is constantly flying by the seat of her pants to get things done. It’s organized chaos over here but I’m lucky to have an amazing team of people keeping me organized and reminding me not to take things too seriously. I think it’s a job that can look really fluffy – trips! PR packages! gifting! working with really cool brands! – it does look pretty FUN on the outside (and it is FUN!). But it’s also constant and unstable and a lot of pretty pictures that don’t necessarily portray...