News — Gardening
If you care about fashion, chances are you also care about your interior design
Garden Gardening Gardens GardenShed Outdoors

With furniture being at the center stage, it is important to combine it with pieces of art, plants, and other accessories. Creating this blend is what makes a home feel like home. The same principle should be brought to the garden, which is an extension of your home. As a fashionable person, it makes sense to take this to the next level. But, how to do so? Leverage experience from social media Interior designers can help you with selecting plants for your home, but when it comes to the garden, social media is still king. When it comes to garden...
How To Properly Place Potting Sheds In Your Garden
BackyardShack Gardening HowTo PottingShed

Here are some creative ways to properly place potting sheds in your garden! Photos By: Unsplash Potting sheds are makeshift structures—made of either timber, tin, or other materials—that offer protection from the sun or rain you’re when doing small gardening tasks. If you love gardening at home, a potting shed offers a good working environment. You can comfortably do your messy DIY experiments while you’re inside the shed. To ensure that your potting shed looks and works great, it’s important to take the time to prepare a proper design and layout, and find the best accessories for the structure. Below...