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Some people say the squat is the king of the lifts, but we’re not sure it deserves the title outright: After all, there’s something just damn impressive — and impressively simple — about picking up really heavy weight off the ground.
Featured HeaviestDeadlifts Powerlifting Strongman

The deadlift is one of the most straightforward, measurable tests of strength, and while the lift has some significant variations (more on that below), it all ends with the athlete picking up the heaviest possible barbell. And whether you’re a powerlifter, strongman, weightlifter, bodybuilder, or CrossFitter, a weak pull is going to set you back from the competition. Below, we’ve assembled the heaviest deadlifts ever made in competition settings, including raw, equipped, strongman, “long bar” strongman, partial, and tire variations. We’ve also outlined how standards and rules varied for each, but no matter the specifics, these are the most impressive...
Stakeholders Seek Legal, Legislative Remedy to NCAA Athlete Name, Image, Likeness Issue
Featured Image Likeness NIL Sports

As it stands, student-athletes — “amateur athletes” — participating in NCAA-affiliated sports cannot earn money from their name, image and likeness (NIL). They risk losing eligibility if they attempt to monetize their brands. This issue, although longstanding, is again coming to a head as the NCAA is and will be facing more opposition to its rule in both the court of law and legislation. Multiple states are individually pushing back against the NCAA’s rulings through state legislation, many having passed bills allowing college athletes to profit from their NIL, including California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nebraska and New Jersey. Florida will...
It can be a challenge to admit when something isn’t working, particularly when it’s something that we’ve put our blood, sweat and tears into
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But, prolonging the hard choices because they’re hard, simply make them harder down the track. And worse, it may be too late by the time you come around. Let’s talk… Ian Jensen-Muir, CEO, Genesis Health + Fitness “It can be incredibly hard to change processes and cut loose elements of your business that aren’t working – be that products, people, branding or structure. Doing so, however, creates a finely tuned and efficient business that will be strong and have longevity. “It’s one of the founding principles of the franchising model, for example. Tried, tested and refined businesses processes are one of the...
Black Panther, Avengers of the New World
1 25 BlackPanther Featured MarvelReviews Ta

T’Challa and and the legacy of Wakanda is continued by Ta-Nehisi Coates in his recent Black Panther series. Being his first shot at writing a comic book, Coates was determined to provide a lush, vibrant story that would ensnare leagues of veteran fans and newcomers to the series. He also proved to stay authentic to T’Challa’s background and story by featuring Klaw, Luke Cage, Ororo Munroe and countless others into his arcs. Themes surrounding colonial theft, xenophobia and the struggles to stay autonomous within an increasingly ‘globalized’ world are discussed within the series. It is vastly important for Wakanda to...
1 10 1000 12 134 135 14 2 23 26 27 3 4 5 6 65 68 7 76 8 9 94 95 Featured Hickman MarvelReviews X

Related: Hickman X-Men Reading Order Krakin’ Krakoa! More in this series! Previously: More in the Hickman X-Men Re-Read! I. Something Sinister This Way Comes (continued from our last entry) [Uncanny X-Men #1 (2011) by Kieron Gillen, Carlos Pacheco, Cam Smith, Frank D’Armata, Joe Caramagna] C3. Sinister Mystery Tour—with a Mysterious Side Dish of Phalanx [as above] Returning this time to a closer look at the Year One Bar Sinister scene, let’s ponder it through the lens of Kieron Gillen’s classic Sinister stories, “Everything Is Sinister” and “This Strange, Unpleasant Land” (Uncanny X-Men #1-4, 14-17, 2011-2012), rare highlights from the general disarray...