News — Family
Polished concrete floors offer more options and benefit
Business ConcreteGrinding ConcretePolishing Family Home
s If you are looking for some sustainable flooring solutions, concrete floorings are ideal and most affordable. Although concrete floors usually suit industrial applications, you can use them for residential purposes because of their ability to take on a polished sheen and color, along with many other benefits. The concrete floors of your home can look like any other polished floors nut without wax finish and look aesthetically pleasing like any marble floors that can withstand heavy traffic as well movement of heavy items. Concrete polishing is a technique that can give a glossy look to any standard concrete floor that usually has...
Journaling Bible ~ Porch Message ~ Breakfast ~ Care Package to Mom
Cats Family Homesteading Kids Pandemic

Got out my journaling Bible. Youngest sent us all a porch message using sidewalk chalk. Breakfast prep the other day - burritos. After more than 3 weeks, my MRH order finally came. However, it came minus my stinging nettle, so I'll be checking the barns for it. We made a trip to town, due to the mower blade needing replaced (which we forgot to bring with us). We, at a safe distance, paid Mom a yard visit and dropped her off some groceries and necessities. By necessities I mean wine. She told us if she ran out she was "leaving...
Ask Amy: Disabled daughter can’t take aide to the gym
Advice AskAmy Family LatestNews Lifestyle

Dear Amy: My daughter is disabled. She is unable to do much for herself, and needs an aide to help her with everything — including going to the gym. She loves going, but needs help getting onto/out of the equipment, and cleaning the equipment after use. The aide never uses the equipment; she is there solely to assist my daughter. The gym, however, wants to charge my daughter an extra fee for bringing “a guest.” This gym is part of a national chain. Several of their (very young) employees said that they must charge a fee for the aide for...
Photo by Kim Stiver from Pexels
Family Fashion Financial Homeschool Marriage

Do you have a loved one’s birthday coming up in the near future? Then you’ll want to find a gift that they will cherish forever. It’s easy to find a gift that offers a one-size-fits-all solution, but finding one that’s personal to them might be a little more difficult - especially if you don’t have a large budget for the gift. This is where this article could help. If you’re looking for an extraordinary gift idea, no matter who it’s for or their age, here are some ideas that you can take inspiration from this year that won’t break the...