News — FeaturedContent
It’s a rivalry that raged both inside the octagon and outside too, but now the unlikely stage for the ongoing feud between Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov is the increasingly lucrative fitness app market.
ConorMcGregor ExerciseAndFitness FeaturedContent Health McGregorFAST

Clashes between McGregor and Nurmagomedov have resulted in memorable UFC matches, fan brawls, and arrests across a long and bitter rivalry. But despite their differences, both MMA icons have shared the same business acumen in putting their names to fitness apps that have the potential to become huge successes among an audience that’s becoming increasingly aware of self-improvement. The disruption caused by the Coronavirus pandemic has directly affected how individuals manage their wellbeing. The rise of working from home and social distancing has freed up time for more widespread motivation towards getting in shape and as a result, an unprecedented...
ClimateChange FeaturedContent Health Meditation Self

There’s a lot of talk about climate change: sea level rises, migration, water shortages, resource wars, the rise of populism. There’s not a lot of talk about solutions. I was reading the excellent publication Positive News and opening page reads: There is a negative bias in the press, and it is holding society back. While the media must report problems and hold power to account, we believe there is also a need for rigorous journalism about what’s going right. Our reporting uncovers solutions to the world’s challenges, engages people in society and boosts wellbeing, too. Positive news is a community...
CharlesFoster COVID Ethics FeaturedContent TheConversationUs

— By Charles Foster, University of Oxford To be clear, and in the hope of heading off some trolls, I would like to make two observations. First, of course I don’t welcome the epidemic. It will cause death, worry, inconvenience and great physical and economic suffering. Lives and livelihoods will be destroyed. The burden will fall disproportionately on the old, the weak and the poor. And second, these suggestions are rather trite. They should be obvious to reasonably reflective people of average moral sensibility. That said, here goes: 1. It will make us realise that national boundaries are artificial The...
To make a fine gentleman, several trades are required, but chiefly a barber.
China FeaturedContent History Manhood Relationships

Oliver Goldsmith With China dominating the news of late, first with the protests in Hong Kong and now with the start and spread of the coronavirus, I find myself thinking more and more about my father-in-law. He was born in China, in 1924, in a small village in a northern province. Intelligent, strong, tall, and handsome, he had every expectation to build a secure and successful life in the country of his birth. Yet like many Chinese people of his generation, the communist revolution changed the arc of his story. Starting in 1946, after the defeat of the occupying...