News — CoronavirusOutbreak
Community leaders in South Sudan’s Central Equatoria state say the government is undermining its own coronavirus prevention measures by allowing people to freely enter the country from Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
CoronavirusOutbreak Covid PorousBorders SouthSudan

Locals in Yei River County, which borders both countries, say there are at least 15 porous entry points at Busia, Tamania Teletin, Bazi, Ondako, Esebi, Lasu, Kirigwa and other towns. Uganda and the DRC have small but growing numbers of COVID-19 cases, while South Sudan confirmed its first case on Sunday, a United Nations staffer who entered the country legally in February. The cases had risen to five as of April 11. Justoson Victor, who works for the nonprofit organization Yamora in the Yei River area, said South Sudan authorities and health officials are making no effort to trace people...