News — Booky100Keepers
#Booky100Keepers Day 5: "The Queen’s Knickers" / "Cinderella’s Bum" by Nicholas Allan (Red Fox Picture Books)
Booky100Keepers Cinderella NicholasAllan RedFoxPictureBooks TheQueen

Oh my, the cheek of it! In both cases, these books used to cause a cacophony of giggles with little miss and very quickly became oft-demanded faves for bedtime reading. The sheer irreverence of "The Queen's Knickers" and the deliriously brilliant storyline - of Her Maj going through a day in the life of carefully choosing her undercrackers to suit particular occasions, and one little girl's whispered reassurances to the monarch when she's feeling slightly uncomfortable are just the stuff that kids can't get enough of. For some reason though, it wasn't the knicker-based shenanigans in this book that used...