News — Opinion
The Licensable Web: Creators, Get Ready to Be Paid for Your Content
Internet Licensing Opinion Paulmelcher Prediction

The first iteration of the Internet, the one we are still somewhat experiencing, was built on the fundamental belief that content should be free. In its early days, it was to be this fantastic social experiment where anyone and everyone would be able to share anything, anytime, with anyone. It was built on the premise that people would use it to share information and knowledge and ultimately make the world a better place. Decades later, we are far from that result. As more entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to turn part of the Internet into lucrative businesses, the early dreams of...
Oscar Fashion: the Best, the Good, the Meh, the Bad, the WTF, and the Men
Bad Bob GoodFashion Opinion Oscars

I usually do an Oscarvations post the morning after the Oscars, but this year was a much more subdued affair, and since I hadn’t seen one single film nominated—hell, I haven’t been out to the movies in over a year—I wasn’t up on who was in what and what I liked, loathed or despised. But there’s always the fashion, even in a year when the audience was made up mostly of nominees and invited guests and presenters, and so there’s still much to dish. So, let’s do that … THE BEST Regina King by a mile. She gave me Glinda the Good...
You blew it, boomers, says millennial writer Helen Andrew
Opinion OpinionColumns Uncategorized

s Young conservative writer Helen Andrews is what the right usually accuses progressives of being — she’s a scold. All cyclical, of course, because when I was a wee bairn it was indeed the Birchers and their buds who did the societal scolding. No rock’n’roll, no birth control for you, bohemians — just redlined neighborhoods with segregated schools and then it’s off to fight the Commies in Vietnam, thank you very much. Gay? No you’re not. One God, one country, love it or leave it. I could never get how the reactionaries were allowed to pretend their views had anything...