News — 12
These 127 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Fabulous, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics)
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Gray hair is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, pure silver looks utterly fantastic. So fantastic that you might want to flaunt it in front of the world. And that's what the Grombre community is all about at its core—celebrating gray, silver, and white hair, as well as helping women find confidence in their natural look. Liberation and empowerment is the name of the game and below you'll find women showing off their fabulous natural hairstyles, as featured by Grombre. Scroll down, upvote the photos that you liked the most, and be sure to drop us a comment below...
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Related: Hickman X-Men Reading Order Krakin’ Krakoa! More in this series! Previously: More in the Hickman X-Men Re-Read! I. Something Sinister This Way Comes (continued from our last entry) [Uncanny X-Men #1 (2011) by Kieron Gillen, Carlos Pacheco, Cam Smith, Frank D’Armata, Joe Caramagna] C3. Sinister Mystery Tour—with a Mysterious Side Dish of Phalanx [as above] Returning this time to a closer look at the Year One Bar Sinister scene, let’s ponder it through the lens of Kieron Gillen’s classic Sinister stories, “Everything Is Sinister” and “This Strange, Unpleasant Land” (Uncanny X-Men #1-4, 14-17, 2011-2012), rare highlights from the general disarray...
Workdays are rarely the same
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One day you might be at your desk all day, another day you might be giving a presentation, or on the road meeting with clients. On some days, it might be important to look impressive to higher-ups while there might be other days where it is important to look relatable to your team or be someone who can get their hands dirty. Many companies have issued a dress for your day dress code which means to dress accordingly for the day ahead. A few years ago, I shared a post on how to build a dress for your day wardrobe...
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Some people consider that black is the symbol of elegance. If you agree with this and you are looking for a way to organize your jewelry, you can choose a black jewelry box. It allows you to keep your jewelry collection organized in a stylish and elegant manner. A black jewelry box can be used in any location, whether it is your home or store, whether it is modern or classic, as black is known to suit anything and anywhere. Black jewelry boxes come in a wide variety of models, so you can find one for you, regardless of your...