News — 37
These 127 Women Who Ditched Dyeing Their Hair Look So Fabulous, They May Convince You To Do The Same (New Pics)
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Gray hair is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, pure silver looks utterly fantastic. So fantastic that you might want to flaunt it in front of the world. And that's what the Grombre community is all about at its core—celebrating gray, silver, and white hair, as well as helping women find confidence in their natural look. Liberation and empowerment is the name of the game and below you'll find women showing off their fabulous natural hairstyles, as featured by Grombre. Scroll down, upvote the photos that you liked the most, and be sure to drop us a comment below...
Reading Time: 2 minutesBatman Beyond #37 variant cover, via DC Comics
37 BatmanBeyond ComicBooks DCThisWeek

Batman Beyond #37 – Dan Jurgens, Writer; Sean Chen, Penciller; Sean Parsons, Inker; Chris Sotomayor, Colorist Ratings: Ray – 8/10 Ray: With every arc, it feels like Batman Beyond gets closer to the tone of the original Batman Beyond cartoon and delivers more of what fans have been wanting since the character first returned to the DCU. The previous arc, which had Terry replaced by False Face, is over, but Terry’s memories still aren’t back. That’s left Terry on the run with a mysterious woman with ties to Powers Tech’s shady science division, as the cops pursue him over false...
Reading Time: 2 minutesBatman Beyond #37 variant cover, via DC Comics
37 BatmanBeyond ComicBooks DCThisWeek

Batman Beyond #37 – Dan Jurgens, Writer; Sean Chen, Penciller; Sean Parsons, Inker; Chris Sotomayor, Colorist Ratings: Ray – 8/10 Ray: With every arc, it feels like Batman Beyond gets closer to the tone of the original Batman Beyond cartoon and delivers more of what fans have been wanting since the character first returned to the DCU. The previous arc, which had Terry replaced by False Face, is over, but Terry’s memories still aren’t back. That’s left Terry on the run with a mysterious woman with ties to Powers Tech’s shady science division, as the cops pursue him over false...