News — HeaviestDeadlifts
Some people say the squat is the king of the lifts, but we’re not sure it deserves the title outright: After all, there’s something just damn impressive — and impressively simple — about picking up really heavy weight off the ground.
Featured HeaviestDeadlifts Powerlifting Strongman

The deadlift is one of the most straightforward, measurable tests of strength, and while the lift has some significant variations (more on that below), it all ends with the athlete picking up the heaviest possible barbell. And whether you’re a powerlifter, strongman, weightlifter, bodybuilder, or CrossFitter, a weak pull is going to set you back from the competition. Below, we’ve assembled the heaviest deadlifts ever made in competition settings, including raw, equipped, strongman, “long bar” strongman, partial, and tire variations. We’ve also outlined how standards and rules varied for each, but no matter the specifics, these are the most impressive...