News — Cats
Journaling Bible ~ Porch Message ~ Breakfast ~ Care Package to Mom
Cats Family Homesteading Kids Pandemic

Got out my journaling Bible. Youngest sent us all a porch message using sidewalk chalk. Breakfast prep the other day - burritos. After more than 3 weeks, my MRH order finally came. However, it came minus my stinging nettle, so I'll be checking the barns for it. We made a trip to town, due to the mower blade needing replaced (which we forgot to bring with us). We, at a safe distance, paid Mom a yard visit and dropped her off some groceries and necessities. By necessities I mean wine. She told us if she ran out she was "leaving...
A Photographer Takes Pictures of Cats "High" on Catnip, and It’ll Be Your New Favorite Thing

After photographer Andrew Marttila discovered his old roommate's cat had a minor (read: major) obsession with catnip, he pulled out his camera to try to capture the cat's crazy reactions. Over 100 "high" cats later (who kind of look akin to toddlers with sugar rushes), Marttila, who runs the iamthecatphotographer Instagram account, took enough photos to compile into a book that is going to look amazing on every cat-lover's coffee table. After stumbling upon Marttila on Instagram and promptly laughing hysterically at all of the adorable cat photos on his page, I had to know more - and as it...
A Photographer Takes Pictures of Cats "High" on Catnip, and It’ll Be Your New Favorite Thing

After photographer Andrew Marttila discovered his old roommate's cat had a minor (read: major) obsession with catnip, he pulled out his camera to try to capture the cat's crazy reactions. Over 100 "high" cats later (who kind of look akin to toddlers with sugar rushes), Marttila, who runs the iamthecatphotographer Instagram account, took enough photos to compile into a book that is going to look amazing on every cat-lover's coffee table. After stumbling upon Marttila on Instagram and promptly laughing hysterically at all of the adorable cat photos on his page, I had to know more - and as it...
A Photographer Takes Pictures of Cats "High" on Catnip, and It’ll Be Your New Favorite Thing

After photographer Andrew Marttila discovered his old roommate's cat had a minor (read: major) obsession with catnip, he pulled out his camera to try to capture the cat's crazy reactions. Over 100 "high" cats later (who kind of look akin to toddlers with sugar rushes), Marttila, who runs the iamthecatphotographer Instagram account, took enough photos to compile into a book that is going to look amazing on every cat-lover's coffee table. After stumbling upon Marttila on Instagram and promptly laughing hysterically at all of the adorable cat photos on his page, I had to know more - and as it...