News — Deadlift
Only two people have ever deadlifted at least 500 kilograms (1,102.3 pounds) — 2017 World’s Strongest Man (WSM) Eddie Hall and 2018 WSM Hafthor Björnsson
Deadlift News Strongman TopAthletes

But there soon may be a third person joining the elite club. On March 25, 2021, Iranian strongman Peiman Maheripourehir successfully deadlifted a monstrous 492 kilograms (1,084.7 pounds) in training — just nine kilos shy of Björnsson’s 501-kilogram (1,104.5-pound) deadlift; the heaviest of all time. Maheripourehir pulled the weight in a conventional stance, wearing a lifting suit, a lifting belt, and lifting straps. Noticeably, he locked out the lift without wearing knee sleeves. Check out what may be the third heaviest deadlift ever performed on camera below, courtesy of Maheripourehir’s Instagram page: View this post...