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You blew it, boomers, says millennial writer Helen Andrew
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s Young conservative writer Helen Andrews is what the right usually accuses progressives of being — she’s a scold. All cyclical, of course, because when I was a wee bairn it was indeed the Birchers and their buds who did the societal scolding. No rock’n’roll, no birth control for you, bohemians — just redlined neighborhoods with segregated schools and then it’s off to fight the Commies in Vietnam, thank you very much. Gay? No you’re not. One God, one country, love it or leave it. I could never get how the reactionaries were allowed to pretend their views had anything...
Creative Commons

When I am twelve years old, my mother asks if I have ever been molested by a relative. Yes, I say. She begins to ask who it was, then stops herself. Just tell me, she says, if he’s been through the temple: Mormons go through the temple when they become adults, usually just before they marry or go on a mission. It is a particularly sacred rite: you must complete a set of interviews with the bishop and the stake president before you are given a temple recommend, a white card many Mormons carry in their wallets, certification of righteousness....
Black ex-franchisees sue McDonald’s for discrimination

By Dee-Ann Durbin | The Associated Press More than 50 Black former McDonald’s franchise owners are suing the burger chain, saying the company steered them to less-profitable restaurants and didn’t give them the same support and opportunities given white franchisees. The 52 plaintiffs, who owned around 200 U.S. stores before being forced to sell them over the last decade, are seeking compensation of $4 million to $5 million per store, according to the lawsuit. The suit was filed Tuesday in federal court in Chicago, where McDonald’s is based. According to the lawsuit, McDonald’s steered Black franchisees to stores in inner-city...
Teri Johnston
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Photograph by John E. McDonald Where to Meet Locals According to , mayor of Key West When was sworn in as mayor of Key West last year, the occasion made headlines around the state. It wasn’t just because Johnston is only the second woman to serve as the town’s mayor in 190 years; she’s also among the first openly lesbian mayors in Florida. But even as out-of-towners gobbled up news of her victory, locals simply high-fived her as she strolled into City Hall. “I’ve been here twenty years,” says Johnston, sixty-eight. “The people here are my neighbors and my friends.”...
Wiksten Shift Dress

Bonus: Jamie arrived home while I was outside taking pictures, so he joined me for a bit! We are still trying to work on poses where it doesn’t accidentally look like he is choking me with a hug. A few weeks ago i showed you my colour–blocked Wiksten Shift top, which I promptly gave away to my mom… well, I’m fighting hard not to give this one to my sister just yet! It’s not that I don’t like it (I do!) but it would suit her even better. The thing is, my teacher union is gearing up for contract negotiations...