News — LatestNews
Forget the PlayStation 5 or Xbox X Series: In 2020, you’ve got way more gaming option
Entertainment LatestNews Nintendo ThingsToDo VirtualReality

s Despite their artistic and commercial successes, Sony and Microsoft don’t have the stranglehold on gamers they once did. The companies’ respective home video-gaming consoles, the PlayStation and Xbox, are miraculous pieces of user-friendly technology that have nonetheless failed to stop mobile games, virtual reality, resurgent arcades and vintage-gaming emulators from carving out chunks of their markets. That’s good news for all of us stuck at home in 2020. More of us play video games now than ever before, according to a report from DFC Intelligence, with more than 3 billion gamers worldwide and roughly 214 million in America. We’re playing mostly-mobile...
Ask Amy: Disabled daughter can’t take aide to the gym
Advice AskAmy Family LatestNews Lifestyle

Dear Amy: My daughter is disabled. She is unable to do much for herself, and needs an aide to help her with everything — including going to the gym. She loves going, but needs help getting onto/out of the equipment, and cleaning the equipment after use. The aide never uses the equipment; she is there solely to assist my daughter. The gym, however, wants to charge my daughter an extra fee for bringing “a guest.” This gym is part of a national chain. Several of their (very young) employees said that they must charge a fee for the aide for...
Fur-free shopping coming to Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s
FauxFur HSI LatestNews Uncategorized Veganism

Following the exciting news that the US state of California is banning sales of fur, comes another great announcement for animals and fashion-forward vegans – retail giants Macy’s and Bloomindale’s have pledged to stop selling fur by the close of 2020. The compassionate announcement has been made in partnership with Humane Society of the United States, bringing the world closer than ever to the end of fur. Similarly, in the United Kingdom, Humane Society International UK is campaigning for a UK fur sales ban. HSI UK hopes that the US news will encourage fashion retail superstores...