News — Sports
Stakeholders Seek Legal, Legislative Remedy to NCAA Athlete Name, Image, Likeness Issue
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As it stands, student-athletes — “amateur athletes” — participating in NCAA-affiliated sports cannot earn money from their name, image and likeness (NIL). They risk losing eligibility if they attempt to monetize their brands. This issue, although longstanding, is again coming to a head as the NCAA is and will be facing more opposition to its rule in both the court of law and legislation. Multiple states are individually pushing back against the NCAA’s rulings through state legislation, many having passed bills allowing college athletes to profit from their NIL, including California, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nebraska and New Jersey. Florida will...
By Nikolas Sargeant
Arsenal Business Sports SuperLeague

Barely a few days after the announcement that 12 of the world’s leading soccer clubs were opting to form their own European Super League, it appears that the plan is beginning to come apart at the seams. All six English Premier League clubs involved in the proposal have since announced their intentions to withdraw from the plan. There is also current speculation afoot that Atletico Madrid will follow suit and bow out of the Super League. Follow NewsGram on Twitter to stay updated about the World news. The dozen clubs involved in this proposed plan include three of the four teams in...
Indoor high school sports on path to resume in California after lawsuit settled
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The drive to allow indoor high school sports to be played in California received a major boost Thursday, March 4 as a lawsuit challenging the state’s guidelines for youth sports reached a “tentative settlement” with the state that could have major ripple effects for student-athletes statewide amid the pandemic. The plaintiffs in a suit filed by two San Diego high school football players against Gov. Gavin Newsom, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the county of San Diego announced that the settlement includes guidelines to allow for indoor sports such as basketball, volleyball and wrestling to resume competition...
New approach helps Jared Walsh’s future look permanent with Angels

Throughout the hot streak that has begun to change the perception about who Jared Walsh is and who can be, he has chosen not to delve too deeply into how it happened. In describing the swing he first brought to the major leagues, Walsh has a fairly simple description. “Last year, I had a lot going on,” the Angels first baseman said. “You know, it works sometimes, but it wasn’t consistent enough.” Less is definitely more when it comes to hitting in the majors. Since eliminating much of the movement in his stance as he prepared for the pitch, Walsh...
Christmas is a time of worship and celebration
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This is the time when the alleys are full of joy and festivity, and every roadside shows you that Christmas is everywhere. The substance of it is the image of the light brought into this world through the introduction of Jesus Christ. Christmas has now been associated with the best laser lights in the world. Here we look at the best professional Christmas laser lights # 1. Star Shower Motion laser light The best professional Christmas laser lights for the money Invest more energy and save time on expensive Christmas lights. With Star Shower Motion Laser Light, you can see...