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What to do when you are juggling childcare PLUS plotting your next outdoor fun? Well, you may find that you can tick off your to-do list plus keep the little lot entertained at Newnham Court Shopping Village.
DayTrips GardenCentre KentGardenCentre NewnhamCourtShoppingVillage Slidemenu

THE LOCATION This out-of-town shopping village is just off the exit at Junction 7 on the M20, or Junction 5 on the M2. The parking is free and there is lots of it which is a good starting point. THE LOWDOWN Most of the shopping experience is outdoor so on a sunny afternoon, it did not feel that you are dragging your family indoors to a stuffy indoor environment and if you are canny, there is lots to divert and entertain them along the way as you fill up your trolley with the practical elements for your garden as...
Interest in homeschooling was already peaking before the pandemic, but the past year has seen demand for virtual schools skyrocket
HomeSchooling OnlineSchool OnlineSchools Parenting Slidemenu

Parents who would never have previously considered online schooling are taking the leap and the concept is gaining traction. Hugh Viney (below), headmaster of Minerva’s Virtual Academy, told me that he’s now getting upwards of 50 parental enquiries a week and reckons his online school will be four times its current size come September. But for many parents, leaving conventional education to embrace schooling online is a massive step and there are some big hurdles to overcome first. So, we caught up with Hugh to tackle the elephants in the room about online schooling, and find out which families could benefit...