Growing up is hard. Just ask any pre-pubescant kid dealing with seesawing hormones, confronting physical changes and overwhelming emotions. When puberty hits, life can seem more than a little confusing, intimidating, and even a bit scary.
Journalling can be a positive outlet for many teens and tweens, as it provides them a safe space for them to reflect upon their everyday experiences, thoughts and feelings, and a guided journal that includes age appropriate prompts and thought starters can be a really helpful tool for those on this journey to self-discovery.
25 Awesome Journals for Tweens & Teens
There are plenty of options for guided journals available. However, one journal may not fit the style and preference of every tween or teen. So to help you find the journal most likely to suit your child, I’ve compiled an extensive list of journals, all available for purchase online, with many different format, themes and styles included.
Looking for a printable feelings journal for tweens? Click through to see our Social Emotional Learning Journal for 8-12 year olds.
Each journal included on our Journals for Teens list is linked to an Amazon and/or Book Depository online store page – these are affiliate links and I may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
1. Mindfulness Workbook for Teens: When you hear the word “mindfulness,” what image comes to mind? Mindfulness is a crucial tool for healthy decision making skills while living life in our incredibly busy world. This 2-in-1 journal and workbook hybrid is highly rated.
Amazon | The Book Depository
2. Time Capsule: A Seriously Awesome Journal
This ‘seriously awesome journal’ is a true keepsake as a record the famous history of your child’s tween years. It’s great for encouraging children to reflect on the past, live in the present and dream of their future.
Amazon | The Book Depository
3. The Ultimate Middle-School Gratitude Journal: Entering middle-school can be intimidating for any kid. Right around the corner are new teachers, new subjects, new peers, and, eventually, new friends. Help your child build a strong start to their school year with this journal designed just for middle-schoolers.
Amazon | The Book Depository
4. Put Your Feelings Here: A Creative DBT Journal: An excellent journal for managing big feelings and emotions, the included writing prompts are grounded in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy – a method of therapy that helps to retrain the human brain to rationalise big emotions with the aim of developing a healthier overall outlook for mental wellness.
Amazon | The Book Depository
5. Put Your Worries Here: A Creative Journal for Teens with Anxiety: With teens experiencing worries in many different areas, including anxiety about friendships, grades, peer pressure, fitting in, family stresses, and the future, this journal provides a safe space for them to work through a range of anxiety reduction strategies.
Amazon | The Book Depository
6. 7 Minute Gratitude Journal: It is known that practicing daily gratefulness improves one’s relationships, self-worth, and overall outcome in life. This gratitude journal guides your teenager to reserve 7 minutes a day to practice the power of gratitude.
Available: Amazon
7. Truth & Daring: A Journal for the Thoughtful and the Bold: If you have a teenager who seeks the truth in everything and is more than a little daring, this journal is perfect. Using the “truth or dare” method as writing prompts, this journal is sure to keep the gears turning for curious kids.
Amazon | The Book Depository
8. Dream Up Now: The Teen Journal for Creative Self-Discovery: This is a great tool for encouraging teens to really think through their emotions, breaking down their responses to a wide variety of emotions and processing them creatively – through writing, drawing, music, reflection, planning and more.
Amazon | The Book Depository
List continues below.
9. The Mindfulness Journal for Teens: An excellent resource for helping teens to understand the powerful act of remaining mindful in their day-to-day lives. It includes a toolbox of helpful techniques―simple breathing exercises, easy meditations, and lots of journal prompts to help your child de-stress and live in the moment.
Amazon | The Book Depository
10. Self-Care Check-In: A Guided Journal: Self-care is very topical right now, given its importance to mental wellness. Being a young teen in a busy world of technology, social media, and peer pressure is stressful. This journal provides space for children to consider their own well-being, inviting them to set aside dedicated time to think about themselves and their own self-positivity.
Amazon | The Book Depository
11. This is Me: A Girl’s Journal: When you were a teen, did you ever think, “Who am I, and what is my purpose?” This journal focuses on providing insightful advice for growing pre-teens. Packed with creative writing prompts, it asks just the right questions to encourage tweens to open up about their family, friendships, and themselves.
Amazon | The Book Depository
12. Hey, Girl! Empowering Journal for Girls: Recognition, insight, and empowerment galore! This is one of the most creative journals for tween girls on the market. Packed with cute illustrations to colour and encouraging messages to help boost your daughter’s confidence, it’s sure to become her favourite place for her to unwind and think through her own thoughts and ideas.
Available: Amazon
13. Boys Can Journal, Too: Once upon a time, journalling was considered a girls pursuit. Not any more! Designed for children 10 years of age and up, the included prompts can help tweens navigate through life’s challenges, events, fears and emotions in a safe and private space.
Amazon | The Book Depository
14. Through My Eyes: A Journal for Teens: A unique journal packed with inspiring art, “Through My Eyes” makes an excellent gift for a teenager who may have trouble finding others that genuinely understand him. Your teenager will be prompted to answer some challenging questions to help unlock their hidden talents and potentials.
Amazon | The Book Depository
List continues below.
Great Journals for Creative Teens
15. Burn After Writing – Teen: A spin-off from the original “Burn After Writing” journal , this version is centred on teens, with a focus of translating their emotions onto paper. As the title suggests, your teen can decide to burn the book upon completion; most teens, however, choose to keep it for memories’ sake.
Amazon | The Book Depository
16. Wreck This Journal: What’s the deal with teens and destruction?!! All jokes aside, this journal literally asks to be torn, poked, slammed, and damaged. It’s excellent as a medium for unleashing your child’s creative sensory-seeking needs.
Amazon | The Book Depository
17. Journal Sparks: Fire Up Your Creativity with Spontaneous Art, Wild Writing and Inventive Thinking: A great introduction to art journalling, this journal takes you beyond writing with ideas for incorporating a range of art elements, including drawing, collage, origami and more, in your journalling. It’s a perfect choice for those who love to create.
Amazon | The Book Depository
18. You’re Weird: As the subtitle says, this is a creative journal for misfits, oddballs and anyone else who’s uniquely awesome! It includes fun writing and drawing prompts, list making ideas and more.
Available: Amazon
19. 365 Days of Art: Featuring an activity for every day of the year, this creative journal includes everything from simple tasks like drawing shapes and colouring to more detailed activities involving drawing and painting.
Amazon | The Book Depository
20. 365 Days of Art in Nature: This fun art journal also includes 365 prompts, each inspired by the natural world including the sky, flora and fauna. The prompts provide a wonderful way for quieting the mind and taking a few minutes each day to create mindfully.
Amazon | The Book Depository
21. 12-Pack of Happy Journals: If you have a natural writer in the family sometimes all they need is a fresh, new space to write. This set of 12 blank notebooks makes a lovely gift for your journalling tween or teen, they are great as stocking stuffers or as small gifts throughout the year.
Available: Amazon
Journals for Children and Their Parents
22. Just Between Us: A Mother and Daughter Journal: It’s common for pre-teens to feel confused as they begin to explore the different avenues of relationships, and so while most journals for teens are typically directed to only our kids, this journal is dedicated to strengthening the mother-daughter bond, inviting both the mother and her daughter to share their thoughts, insights, and advice with each other.
Amazon | The Book Depository
23. Mother & Son: Our Back and Forth Journal: The bond between a mother and son is incomparable to any other relationship. Useful for families of shapes and sizes, this journal is meant to be shared, to build a healthier and more trusting relationship between a mother and her growing teenage son.
Available: Amazon
24. Between Dad & Me: It’s not often that you hear about a father and son writing back and forth to each other unless they’re physically far apart. An ideal journal for teen boys and their fathers, this one is sure to become a treasured keepsake for years to come.
Amazon | The Book Depository
25. Love, Dad and Me: Designed to continue developing the loving relationship between a father and his daughter during the often difficult pre-teen years, this journal includes writing prompts, challenges and colouring pages for dad and child to complete together.
Amazon | The Book Depository
I hope this comprehensive list of journals has helped you find the perfect writing medium for your teen or tween.
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