Nothing says more about your personality than your own dress sense.
2019 has been an amazing year for mens fashion so far and from every indication, the trend is not slowing down any time soon.
In the fashion industry, there is always something for everyone.
And the best way to find the right outfit and up your fashion game is to put together an outfit that you really suits your style and color texture.
This article will to a great extent educate you on fashion trends for men and how best you can up your fashion game.
Remember, looking good is not an option, it is an essential part of life.
- Men and Fashion
It doesnt matter if you had less interest in personal style or have failed to develop a natural instinct when it comes to fashion.
You can find tons of information online about the latest trends and ongoing fashion but the sheer volume of information available online can overwhelm you.
When it comes to style you are not the only guy who is struggling to dress well, many others also struggle to find the right dress.
This is so because of the amount of information out there that can confuse instead of helping you.
However, there is some basic wardrobe that every man should possess, which includes colorful T-shirts, chinos, cotton shorts, shirts, gym clothes, formal and running shoes, flip flops and well-fitted suits.
With these in place, lets talk about how to create the perfect style statement the reveals and complements the handsome you.
- How to Create a Perfect Style Statement
In order to create a perfect fashion style sense, you need to know some key information about this industry.
You will be surprised to know that people pay more attention to your shirts rather than your trousers.
Style is not only about your clothes but it is also about your personality. It is all about what suits you. You can make a simple dress look like a million-dollar suit and a million dollar suit worthless.
It makes a huge difference when and how you wear it.
Here are some useful tips to consider while making a strong style statement.
1. Recognize What Looks Good on You
The reason behind so many styles and patterns in the fashion industry is that no two humans are made equal (except for some rare twins with identical faces and features).
So naturally, there is not a single piece of cloth, cut, color or style invented yet which looks good on everyone.
In some clothes, you might be the life of the party while in another, you might become a laughing stock.
The best way to get the best out of your wardrobe is to always appreciate your looks, styles, and cuts in the mirror.
You certainly know what is best for you when you see it.
And thats why mirrors carry your reflections.
Keep experimenting with different styles and colors until you find a good match that goes well with your complexion and personality.
Also, consider the opinion of the people that matter to you and who you consider fashionable.
You can also use various items like a fancy walking stick or yocan vaporizer to add to your unique style.
2. Not Everything is for You
There are some styles or items of clothing that will never look good on you.
The reason is your unique body structure and personality.
If your own personality and style wont match certain clothing then it is time to say goodbye for good.
Sometimes you think that a certain item looks good on you but the eyes and reactions of others around you speak differently.
So keep a close eye on your surroundings to vet out the bad combinations to make a clearer picture of what style suits you.
3. Shop Smart
Another important factor that helps you make a strong style statement is your shopping.
You have to shop smart in order to avoid unnecessary clothing. It will be easy for you to choose and mix some smart styles and colors if you have a clear understanding of what you want in your mind.
If you shop with an open mind then you will be willing to new styles cut and colors. You must try them before you know if they look good or bad on you.
Make full use of the try rooms of your favorite clothing stores to discover the new style which looks good on you.
To put your unique style statement, observe carefully in the mirror.
Keep notes on accessories that will help you enhance your style statement. The key to a perfect style statement is to narrow down what you have in your collection and find what you are missing.
Things Men Should Avoid
Now there are few things that men should avoid while making their style statement. Its fairly difficult to spot a fashion mistake when others are adopting it as a new trend.
Here is a list of things that men should never wear in public.
1. Strong Fragrance
Most men have a weak sense of smell and they have been marked less sensitive by the use of their daily cologne.
Strong fragrances not only cause headaches they can also result in raising hiding allergies in your system.
Its a saying among fashion circles that fragrance must never be announced but discovered.
So make a habit of applying the right amount of perfume in the right places. The balance of fragrance will draw more people closer to you.
2. Clothing with Large Logos
Sure big logos, pictures or cartoon characters look good on childrens clothing but you should never use such clothing.
Large logos on your clothing is a marketing strategy for the respected company, which has nothing to do with style or fashion so you should avoid it because you are not a walking billboard for any company or brand.
Choose clothes that fit well and complement your lifestyle.
Men should also avoid pants with huge logs and embroidered trousers with designer logos, preppy shapes, flags or motifs.
3. Fancy Shoes
Despite the fact that shoes play a major role in your style statement, men continue to wear pointy or square toe shoes.
Shoes with pointed toes make your feet look clownish and gigantic while square toe shoes can make your feet look stubby like flippers.
It is better to switch to more refined curved toe shoes.
A strong style statement will leave a deep impact on the people around you and determine how they perceive you.
To send a positive style message you need to dress trendy and comfortable.
It may also come to how you carry yourself in the presence of others. You can achieve a great look by getting your essentials right and layers accordingly.
Photo: Shutterstock
The post Gentlemen, Lets Have a Conversation on How You Dress appeared first on The Good Men Project.