We gathered some of the hippest and more creative chicken coop ideas to help inspire your chicken coop building. These ideas will get your wheels turning on creating a truly beautiful chicken coop.

Creating a great chicken coop for your flock and life can be challenging. So I gathered up some inspiration that we used to create our chicken coop and gave us many of the ideas for what we wanted in our own coop. This list of 18 creative chicken coop ideas should inspire you through the process of creating or updating your coop for your backyard chickens.
Though you should make sure you know the basic needs when designing your coop, you can reference our list of How To Build The Best Chicken Coop if you need that. Then use this list below to define all the parts of the coop in terms of design and function.
18 Incredibly Creative Chicken Coop Ideas
1. Our own DIY Chicken Coop

When it came to designing and building our very own chicken coop, the most important thing that we did was research.
Even though we knew we wanted a simple chicken coop, we wanted to get it right, so we looked at a lot of chicken coop ideas and designs before we decided how our chicken coop would look.
When you are researching designs for your DIY chicken coop it’s crucial to think about how it will be used.
For ours, we planned on keeping around 10-15 chickens and we wanted to make it as easy as possible to manage.
We also needed a chicken coop that protected our chickens from the long cold winters as well as from predators in our area.
Oh and of course to look nice and blend in with the surroundings and the main house.
So we opted for a simple good sized coop building with storage space for supplies and easily accessible nesting boxes. And a decent run area that, importantly for us, is covered with a sturdy roof, to give the chickens shade in summer and protection from snow in winter.
And we buried the wire around the run a foot underground and even set it in concrete for extra protection from predators.
The stand-out feature of our chicken coop is a stand up feature. We built it with enough headroom as we didn’t want to be bending over and crawling around in it. This makes a big difference so we are really glad we opted for that in our own chicken coop.
Although the design is simple we think it still looks great, due in no small part to the choice of Pewter Green paint for the exterior of the chicken coop.
2. Farmhouse Style Chicken Coop

A chicken coop that has similarities with our own chicken coop is this farmhouse-style chicken coop from Twelve on Main.
Like ours, it is a large simple design that has enough headroom to stand up inside, as well as having doors that are high enough to avoid banging your head when going in and out of the coop. And a large run area.
They also have a good-sized storage area incorporated in the chicken coop building, even adding enough space to store supplies for their other animals.
This chicken coop is designed and built in a T-shape, with the run built at 90 degrees to the chicken coop which helps give it the Farmhouse look. Other touches that create the Farmhouse style are the use of a corrugated roof and the addition of a Dutch door. The minimal white paint finishes it off nicely.
Some of the chicken coop ideas we love in this design are:
- The split opening of the Dutch door. Looks great, helps with ventilation, prevents access to ‘unwanted visitors
- They’ve re-used materials as much as possible
- A raised platform under the roosting bar. ‘Catches’ poop where the chickens poop the most, making cleanup much easier
- Solar lights for self-sufficient lighting that goes on automatically in darkness
- Large windows positioned to maximize the sun with openings covered in wire. Provides natural warmth and all-important ventilation while keeping chickens safe.
- Nesting boxes with easy inside access to get everything done from one place
3. Unique Chicken Coop in California

This Californian couple built a unique chicken coop using naturally durable cedar for the structure and clear panels and mesh in the walls to give it a light and airy greenhouse look.
More chicken coop ideas from this creative couple are:
- The use of plants adds to its charm. Grapevine climbing up the structure and low-level herbs around the borders
- Cedar is naturally resistant to rot and insects, and won’t warp
- Choice of a specific gravel, Hanley Gold in this case, for its color
- Addition of a large fenced free-range area as well as covered run
- Clear wall panels make building less intrusive
4. A Simple DIY Chicken Coop

If you are thinking of a smaller chicken coop that still looks great then this chicken coop from Woodshop Mike could suit you.
This one was built offsite in a professional workshop with lots of power tools but if you prefer to take it on yourself it’s simple enough to be a DIY chicken coop.
As this is a smaller chicken coop it has an exterior nesting box which saves on interior space, as well as makes it easy to collect eggs.
We like the arched door on this design and the use of shingles on the roof makes it look like a mini home.
A benefit of the smaller design is that you can install the shingles on the roof panels at ground level before lifting them into place.
A good chicken coop idea that pops up again here is to be careful you don’t get locked in your new chicken coop! That’s definitely a good idea.
It’s common to use a gate latch on the doors but they do lock behind you. Suggestions are to have a block of wood to stop the door from closing when you go in, although you do risk chickens running out, or a piece of wire to be able to raise the latch from the inside.
5. Rustic Farmhouse Chicken Coop

This rustic chicken coop from Cottonwood Shanty proves that up-cycling and re-using materials don’t mean you sacrifice looks. Because it is their use of old doors and natural materials that give this chicken coop its rustic farmhouse charm.
They re-cycled an old screen door for the run entry door and used a rough and worn door for the coop.
A long tree branch serves as the roosting bar, enhancing the rustic, natural look.
Another nice chicken coop idea to take from this one is adding plants to the run, specifically ones that chickens won’t eat.
The addition of exterior wall lights and some plants at the entrance finishes it off really nicely making it look quite homely. There are some happy chickens there.
6. Simple Kit Chicken Coop

If you would prefer a ready-made kit and don’t have much space then this cleverly designed chicken coop kit from Williams Sonoma could be what you are looking for. It even has the nice addition of a built-in planter box.
The space-efficient design of this chicken coop has the run completely underneath the coop building so it has a really small footprint. Although its size does mean that it’s only really suitable for around 4 chickens, but this may be all you need if you have limited space.
Even if this chicken coop isn’t right for you, the space-saving design and a built-in planter are good chicken coop ideas to take away.
7. HGTV Chicken Coop

The first thing that strikes you about this HGTV chicken coop is its lovely, striking deep red color contrasting with the white. Although you don’t have to paint it the same color it does show how the choice of color transforms a chicken coop.
These plans are for a compact all-in-one design with the run partly under the henhouse, an exterior nesting box and a beautiful flower box under the window.
8. Modern Chicken Coop Plans

Now we go in a completely different direction, from traditional charm all the way over to a modern, architect-designed look. This eye-catching design is very different from the traditional idea of a chicken coop but could sit perfectly on your property.
We love the slatted design of the walls which allows for ventilation and a nice mix of light and shade for the chickens.
We can picture this chicken coop alongside a modern style home in warmer regions as this design would match your home as well as give the chickens plenty of shade from the hot sun.
9. Modern Farmer Chicken Coop Plans

Modern Farmer provides a really useful outline of how to build a chicken coop, which you can customize how you want, as well as providing some helpful ‘specifications’ for any chicken coop.
These are:
- Roosting bar length – 8 inches per bird
- Nesting boxes – 1 box for 4 chickens
- Enclosed area – raised by 2 feet
- Inside space – minimum 2 to 3 square feet per chicken
- Exterior space – minimum 4 to 5 square feet per chicken
- Water – place 6-8 inches above the ground
- Wood – use cedar or redwood as pressure treated timber is bad for chickens
These useful guidelines will help you plan the size of your chicken coop.
Our favorite chicken coop idea from Modern Farmer is to, if possible, build the chicken coop under a deciduous tree as it provides shade in the summer but lets the sun through when all the leaves drop in winter.
10. Building a Simple Small Chicken Coop

We’re really impressed by this simple but clever chicken coop design that incorporates everything into one rectangular 5 feet by 12 feet structure.
It’s in effect the framework of a shed-type structure with the covered interior space and nesting boxes built-in and raised up at one end.
Nice touches include circular access holes to the nesting boxes for the chickens to keep them snug and cozy.
But our favorite one of their chicken coop ideas is a convenient built-in storage compartment above the nesting boxes with an exterior access hatch for quick and easy access.
11. Unbound Roots Chicken Coop Plans

Like us, if you live somewhere with harsh winters, then this design at Unbound Roots might suit you as they have built floor and wall insulation into their chicken coop to protect their brood from Minnesota winters.
The impressive structure looks more like a small stable block than a chicken coop. And they also have chosen a striking red and white color scheme for their chicken’s home.
Their re-purposing will be hard to beat – using boards and a door from their family’s 1884 farmhouse!
And for easier cleaning they laid a laminate floor over the base, saving money by using a remnant piece.
Another money-saving idea was using basic, top-hinged windows.
Our favorite chicken coop ideas from Unbound Roots are having an extra-wide door into the run to allow access with a wheelbarrow, and sloping the roofs of the nesting boxes to stop the chickens from roosting there and making a mess in an awkward area.
12. Tractor Supply Free Chicken Coop Plans

The folks at Tractor Supply Company have put together some good advice and ideas for chicken coops.
They bring up the possibility of a moveable chicken coop so you can use different parts of land, keeping your property fresh for you and the chickens. This type of chicken coop is known as a chicken tractor.
Like others, they also emphasize the importance of sufficient space per chicken as more space means less aggression and fewer problems with your brood.
A nice thought they bring up is thinking of your neighbors in your design, if they are close enough to see your chicken coop obviously.
Finally, we like their suggestion of re-using an existing structure like a kennel or shed and re-configure it as a chicken coop.
13. Black Modern Large Backyard Coop

We like this compact urban chicken coop for its clever use of space and chic black look that sits well in an urban environment.
They’ve incorporated some handy storage spaces in their design and clever edges to their nesting boxes which can be slid up out of the way for easier cleaning.
The final touch that we like is the extra screen doors behind the solid doors. The chicken coop is close to their home so they can enjoy watching their girls from the lounge.
14. A Walk-in Two Story Coop

Here’s another example of a smaller chicken coop suitable for an urban home. However, this one is a locally purchased kit. It has a different type of design with the main structure being the central run area and the interior space being attached externally on either side.
You might like this shape of chicken coop if you can see it fitting in well with the style of your home.
15. A Chic Modern Coop

You could be forgiven for mistaking this fabulous chicken coop for a luxurious guest house or chic pool house, but no, it really is a chicken coop!
The pictures speak for themselves on this one. A truly top-end chicken coop to pamper your chickens. And probably add significant value to your home!
16. Cottage Style Chicken Coop
My Pet Chicken supply this small 4’-4” by 6’-4” chicken coop. It may be small but it is just the interior area for your chickens so you can build a run area attached to it for a reasonable overall size.
This cottage-style chicken coop is built by the Amish in Pennsylvania so you can be assured of the quality of workmanship, and it comes with lots of customizable options.
17. Simple Small Chicken Coop Plans

If you are looking for a taller style of chicken coop then these plans from The Brown Shed give you just that – a simple barn-like structure with an arched door and airy run area.
18. Small Backyard Coop
Our final example to give you some inspiration for chicken coop ideas is this lovely backyard coop. It’s another example that’s suitable for smaller spaces but it makes up for its size with its looks.
A beautiful example that resembles a traditional dove house that any chicken would be happy to call home.
These chicken coop ideas are some of the best ideas and should inspire plenty of beautiful and modern-looking coops that accommodate your backyard chickens.
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