
What does my Child Need to Learn?

What does my Child Need to Learn?

Surrounded by a mountain of textbooks, teachers manuals, post it notes, worksheets, tests, art kits, glue, scissors, math manipulatives and crayons I panicked. How am I going to teach my kids all this? Do they really NEED to do all these lessons? What if I mess up their education and destroy their future if we DON’T do all these lessons. I’m not the only homeschool mom that panics when she looks at teaching materials, and yet there’s a better way. If we can step away form the mountain of lessons and find the core list of things our kids should...

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The 30-Second Personal Commercial — How to Deliver it

The 30-Second Personal Commercial — How to Deliver it

Can you deliver? Previously, you wrote your personal commercial. Now it’s time to deliver it. Think of your personal business commercial as a pitcher in a baseball game. You want to make a pitch that’s a strike, but all batters are not alike. Some require different types of pitches fast ball, curve, slider and the ever popular screwball. (Isn’t it amazing how many screwballs we pitch?) In order to pitch the batter most effectively, you need to know what type of hitter he is. You need to know his hitting strengths and weaknesses. Every baseball team has a “book” on every other...

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How to Learn Prepositions

How to Learn Prepositions

Compared to nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, prepositions—which identify relationships between things in sentences—are harder to categorize and often more difficult to learn. Because there isn’t much logical order in the way prepositions are used in the English language, memorization is an important part of learning them. Fortunately, this memorization can include drawing pictures, listening to podcasts, and playing “Simon says,” among other things! Also note that, while the primary focus here is on prepositions in English, most of these suggestions are applicable for other languages as well. [Edit]Steps [Edit]Using Learning Aids Utilize images to help you visualize prepositions. Combining...

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First Grade Curriculum Choices

First Grade Curriculum Choices

In most families, first grade is considered a transition year. If the child were going to a traditional school, they would be expected to stay for a full day. It is the year in which many, but not all kids learn to read. Expectations can be high. Your child may start to realize that to many people, learning is not all fun and games. Our first grade curriculum choices reflect our desire to keep our child’s love of learning alive and allow them plenty of time to play. The pressure can affect children. I encourage you to take a step...

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9 Things You Can Expect in Marriage Counseling, Including Marriage Counseling Worksheets

9 Things You Can Expect in Marriage Counseling, Including Marriage Counseling Worksheets

When people tend to think about marriage counseling, they may have antiquated views about the service. For example, they may imagine a couple who has grown to hate each other, and who is going to counseling as a last-ditch effort to repair the marriage. However, many healthy couples go to marriage counseling, and couples who come in like the ones described above can end up leaving with their marriage repaired. Going to marriage counseling doesn’t mean your marriage is bad, but instead, it means that you care about it and you want to fix it as soon as possible. With...

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