Surrounded by a mountain of textbooks, teachers manuals, post it notes, worksheets, tests, art kits, glue, scissors, math manipulatives and crayons I panicked.
How am I going to teach my kids all this?
Do they really NEED to do all these lessons? What if I mess up their education and destroy their future if we DON’T do all these lessons.
I’m not the only homeschool mom that panics when she looks at teaching materials, and yet there’s a better way.
If we can step away form the mountain of lessons and find the core list of things our kids should learn, we can then look at that mountain and clearly identify lessons that we can use, lessons we can skip, or even develop our own lessons to teach the same idea/concept.
What we need is a list of what our kids should learn. A Master goal sheet if you will.
As homeschoolers, we focus on character, attitude, and heart first. Then we layer on the academics.
In the traditional school system, they talk a lot about state standards and common core. Don’t worry. You really can design your own path for your children without them, but I have always used them as a guide.
If you are looking for “what should I teach my children”, these are your GOLDEN resources.

They are a blend of what kids typically learn in a given grade in school and ideas to help you implement those skills/lesson.

More grades coming soon…
This post comes with a free printable reminder list to help keep your heart focused on the heart of homeschooling. I always have the hardest staying focused. This printable simplifies it!
Here is a sneak preview…

- Download the checklist. You’ll get the printable, plus join 9,000+ homeschool moms who receive my weekly parenting tips and ideas!
- Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.
- Place it on your refrigerator as a helpful reminder.

The post What does my Child Need to Learn? appeared first on A Better Way to Homeschool.