January welcome a new year and a new set of opportunities to explore STEAM activities. The January STEAM Activity Calendar for 2023 features January holiday and snow-themed challenges. I hope you will enjoy starting the year exploring the activities found on the January STEAM Activity Calendar

Getting January 2023 STEAM Activities Calendar
First, you will need to download the calendar.
Second, if you don’t have Acrobat Reader you will need to download it. The algorithm page is an Acrobat Reader PDF file.
Third, you will need to go to your download file and open the page. You may be asked if you want the file to open right after you download it. If you are, you won’t have to hunt for it in your download file.
Finally, when you open the calendar you will find hyperlinked activities. When you click on them, you will be taken to the activity’s location on the web.
Here are the January STEAM Activity Calendar Holidays Celebrated
January 1st
New Year’s Day
January 4th
World Braille Day
January 5th
National Bean Day
January 6th
Carver Day
January 7th
Harlem Globetrotters Day
January 8th
Snuggle a Chicken Day
January 9th
National Static Electricity Day
January 10th
National House Plant Day
January 13th
National Rubber Ducky Day
January 15th
National Hat Day
January 18th
Martin Luther King’s Birthday
January 19th
National Popcorn Day
January 28
National LEGO Day
Toys and Books that Explore January Holidays
The links below are affiliate links.
Braille Letter and Number Learning Board for Word Braille Day
Greenhouse Building Kit for National House Plant Day
Community Helpers Puzzles for National Hat Day
Amazing LEGO creations you can build with bricks you already have!
Exploring the January 2023 STEAM Activities Calendar
You will be able to access the directions needed to explore each activity when you click on each of the October hyperlinks. After you get to each activity’s blog post, you will find a supply list and step-by-step activity directions.
Many of the activities offer free worksheets or recording sheets. You can use what they have for you to download or create your own versions of the activities if you like. The idea is to inspire you to explore STEAM activities with your children. You know what they can handle and how they like to explore concepts and activities.
A variety of different types of STEAM activities have been included on the calendar. You may find that some are more appropriate for older children while others are great for children of all ages. I think that some of them could be done with a partner or parent. However, some of you may have children that want to complete them on their own.
More STEAM and STEM Activities

Drawing a Magical Creature Based on an Algorithm

Building the Numbers 11-20 with Crayons

Telling Time from Sunrise to Sunset STEM Activity

The post January STEAM Activity Calendar 2023 appeared first on JDaniel4s Mom.