Division Math Center - Turtle Tip

Division Math Center Turtle Tip

Division is one of the most challenging math topics to teach in the early years. Our little learners need a firm understanding of numbers as well as equality, fair shares and repeated subtraction. Our printable math center will help you provide an engaging activity for students to explore division in a hands-on way and make the leap over to recording it formally. 

Your students will 'tip' some counters from a little container onto their turtle and divide them equally! With their hands, they will divide the counters out onto the spaces on their turtle.

Dividing by 3 Math Center

We have provided turtles for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 equal groups on the turtle shell. Students will record their division action on the number sentence with a dry erase marker - or the worksheet provided.

Dividing by 3 Math Center Hands On

Dividing by 4 Math Center

Other ways to use our turtle division cards:

  • place an un-laminated page into a plastic sleeve and use with a dry-erase marker to draw dots
  • project a card up onto your electronic board and complete the task as a whole class as a math warm-up
  • use with play dough and ask students to make little balls to distribute on the shell - incorporating fine motor skills too

This packet includes:

  • activity mats (print and laminate)
  • recording worksheet
  • game instructions
  • cover page ( to organize your resources and equipment)
Division Worksheet for K-3

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