Winter Unit Study And Printable Lapbook
This hands-on winter season unit study includes a free winter lapbook for multiple ages.
This unit of study on winter included 9 printable minibooks to glue inside your file folder.
And I have these winter themed notebooking pages which can be used as worksheets or fold them like minibooks.
Animal Adaptions
Brrrr’s cold
Canadian Lynx
Cover of the lapbook
Snow – Did You know
Favorite Things About Winter
Identify that Tree
Lifecycle of Snowflake
Life Under the Blanket
Snow Days
Texas Winter animals
The Arctic Fox
Types of Frost
What are the Winter Months
What Causes Seasons
Winter Notebooking
Native American Maiden
Word Mix
Wolf Hunters Native Americans
Wonders of Winter
You can take as long as your child needs to learn about winter. You can do this study in one day or take a week and add hands-on activities.
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