The end of the year is a SUPER busy time. With so many things going on, it is easy to stuff a few papers here, or throw the books in a bin and forget about it…until you go back to set up your classroom in the fall and can't find anything. Not to mention the extra steps you created for yourself because you were OVER IT.
We've all been there – no judgement here. Over the years, I have found tips and tricks that not only make the end of the year easier, but also the beginning of the next year. The answer: CHECKLISTS! And even better…it's a freebie!
Printable or Digital…That is the Question
There are two options with the freebie – a printable version and a digital version. You can pick the one that best suits you.

Checklists are very much personal preferance. Sometimes I like a printable. Sometimes I prefer digital. The printable checklist has a few options. They all have time same 6 labeled boxes, but have bullet points or blank, color or black and white. The digital version has the same 6 labeld boxes but much more space to add a lengthy list. This lets you pick your preference. These 6 categories make all the difference when packing up a classroom.
- Purge
- Clean
- Copy
- Label
- Organize
- To-Do
Get rid of anything not needed. I have SO MANY files on my Google Drive that I just don't use or need anymore. Time for them to go. What about the filing cabinet? Is it overflowing with worksheets from ten or more years ago? Gotta go! Getting rid of unused, outdated, or multiples of the same copy is setting you up for success next year. Fill those recycle bins!

Classrooms can get gross! Add to the checklist areas that are a must-clean. The checklist keeps me on track and makes a huge task seem much more manageable. My go to areas for cleaning are desks (mine and student desks), the chairs (when wa the last time they were deep cleaned?), library (who knew books could get so gross?) and shelving (dust bunnies galore)! A room that is clean just feels better!
This is my favorite tip! The beginning of the school year is just as exhausting as the end of the year. I start pulling out my resources and making copies for the beginning of the next year. Simple things that I know I will use every year: forms for parents, student surveys, welcome back activites, contact cards and whatever else I can think of! Some of my teacher friends like to tease me about being so prepared, but they aren't laughing at the beginning of the year when they are waiting in a long line for the copy machine!
Who does't love a cute label!? This is when I like to make sure I have all the labels I need. I update, add, change or refresh labels. An organized classroom is a happy classroom! I add any area I want a label for to the checklist so I don't miss anything!
I love an organized classroom, but sometimes that is the last thing on my mind. I find adding areas I want to organize to my checklist keeps me more focused. Sometimes I feel like I start here, go there, and finish here. Crossing off an item from a checklist is so satisfying! A few areas I always try to organize are
- Google Drive (Read a post on this here)
- Teacher desk/cart
- Label big items if being taken out for cleaning
- Bulletin boards
- Classroom library
- Teacher Toolbox
- Manipulatives
To Do
Write out a to-do list in order of priority. This makes sure the most important items are accomplished first. I also like to make a to-do list for the end of the year, summer break and beginning of the school year. This helps keep me focused and ready. The busiest times of a teacher's year are filled with so many needs, it's easy to overlook one. Let your to-do list be your guide! Fill out your info and hit the button below to grab it!
Pin the image below so you can come back and read the blog post anytime you need a reminder!

The post One Thing To Make the End of the Year Easier appeared first on Teach Create Motivate.