Late Night Snacking and Drinking? Try this

Late night snacking, eating sweets before bed, wine, treats staying up and drinking coffee is what our ladies complain about.  You know what you “shouldn’t do, but you do it anyway.  Download this free worksheet to kick your evening habits.  Add yourself here for Freebies not shared anywhere else

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Late Night Snacking and Drinking Be Gone

Add yourself to my free Talk with Trina Tribe. This video is our Facebook live.  We go above and beyond in our Live Sessions here. Grab a pen, paper your favourite drink and let’s dive in.

This Coaching Workshop Addresses:

  1. Better evening routine habits.
  2. Replacing sweets, wine and late night eating with healthier habits.
  3. Better foods to choose when late night hunger strikes.
  4. Download the free worksheet here.

What are your night “Bad habits”

Take 5-10 minutes to assess where you are at.  Download this worksheet so you have it.

Snacking late at night is a habit caused by triggers and emotions.  My old habits were a bag of organic “healthy chips” nightly on the couch and sometimes wine too.  Stress, habit and routine is all it was.  I broke both habits and it has nothing to do with “will power”.

Before we can replace the foods/drink and habits, we must identify habits that you currently have and want to change.

Habits and Triggers:

Write down your answers:

  1. List foods to you snack on and drink at night?
  2. What time is the trigger at?
  3. We dive deep in this Downloadable Worksheet, grab it!

It sucks getting honest with yourself and it’s hard, but it works.  You need accountability to make it  happen.  Missing out on feeling your best, being lean and kicking habits is a struggle but totally possible.

Better Night Snack Choices 

In this free download guide, I listed six of my favourite go to “late night drinks/snacks and a recipe for my favourite drink.  Once you are equipped with tools, you can take action.

  1. This guide teaches you “Better Evening Routines.”
  2. Writing your “I am Statement” so you can finally kick the habits not serving you.
  3. When all else fails questions you will ask yourself.
  4. Habits and Triggers that you can tackle.

Join us for Live Coaching here.

Stay motivated and accountable with our Facebook Fit4Females Tribe.  Join me Live for “Tackle it Tuesdays“, Q&A and stuff you won’t find anywhere else.

Tell Trina in 2 minutes 

Click here to answer 6 short questions. I will Tackle Free Coaching based on this survey. The more you share, the more results we can get you.
  • Online classes get results!  First class is FREE:  Click here to try.
  • Join us weekly with tons of free Tidbits, Recipes and workouts in my FIT Insider here.

Thanks for reading xo Trina Medves

The post Late Night Snacking and Drinking? Try this appeared first on Fit4Females®.

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