98 Children’s Product Design Fails That Somebody Should’ve Checked Before Production

A general principle in product and package design is to never underestimate users’ stupidity. This should be even more true when designing product labels for children, and yet people manage to release some really poorly thought-out child product label fails like the ones on this list.

Some of the fails might be funny, but others are downright dangerous. The wrong product, label, or packaging design may prompt impressionable and inexperienced youngsters to use products in unsuitable ways or to even ingest products that can be harmful. If you’re a budding designer, this list can be a good list of things you shouldn’t do!

#1 Accidentally Sent My Son To School With His Newly Bought Ugly Christmas Sweater

Didn't realize what Santa was doing until his kindergarten teacher pointed it out when I picked him up after school.

Image credits: AngryHamzter

#2 Strawberry-Scented Scissors For Kids. That’s How You Get Kids Stabbing Themselves In The Face

Image credits: reddit.com

#3 Kids Love Pandas

Image credits: TenFootLoPan

#4 Ice Lollies Have Changed Since I Was A Kid

Image credits: theomeny

#5 My Son Just Asked Me Why The Tiger Had A Little Flower Under Its Tail... Thanks For The Detailed LEGO

Image credits: Cichlidsaremyjam

#6 This "M" On A Kids' Menu Activity

Image credits: plspassdabudder

#7 Coconut Tree Balloons Put Up By My Daughter's Gymnastics Venue

Image credits: ballcream9000

#8 Chalk With A Popsicle Color, Shape, And Even A Wooden Handle. What Could Go Wrong With Giving These To Kids?

Image credits: rtowne

#9 Teaching Kids Terrible Things At Wellington Zoo

Image credits: FinnMac93

#10 This Kids' Swimsuit That Looks Like A Self-Destruction Vest

Image credits: officialkfc

#11 Uhhh... You Alright There Pikachu?

Image credits: reddit.com

#12 No Comments

#13 "And As Your Child Gets Older, Simply Adjust The Head Restraint"

Image credits: FlawlessC0wboy

#14 This Is Pure Nightmare Fuel

Image credits: Llodsliat

#15 Never Split Your Legs When You Slide Down

#16 I'm Not Sure If This Is A Thing That You Should Give Kids

Image credits: LoZy__

#17 Light Switch In Kids' Room

Image credits: AlexKiri

#18 Yummy Drink With A Trip To The Hospital

Image credits: Brickzarina

#19 A Friend Bought This Balloon For Her Son's Birthday But Decided Against Blowing It Up

Image credits: JohnnyMackers

#20 The Brand Name Of My Daughter's Shirt

Image credits: Durph08

#21 My Daughter Got A Globe Ball With Only America On It

Image credits: mrMuppet06

#22 Let's Put A Hopscotch In The Middle Of The Parking Lot, And The Kids Will Love It

Image credits: Bacon_Swegglord

#23 My Daughter's Little Shapes Book. Pentagon?

Image credits: mightymikek

#24 Perfect For Kids To Learn To Tell The Time

Image credits: agnesb

#25 Yes, Let’s Put An Image Of A Puppy On A Soccer Ball And Tell Little Kids To Kick It

Image credits: trucknorris2000

#26 Paint That Looks And Smells Like Juice. There's Literally A Picture Of Juice On The Box. Do You Want Kids To Drink The Paint? Because That's How You Get Kids To Drink The Paint

Image credits: vast1983

#27 My Brother Pays $15,000/Year/Child To Send His Kids To Private School - This Is The 1st-Grade Homework From Last Week

Image credits: Logun0

#28 These “Jeans”/Sweat Pants My Grandma Bought Our Son For Christmas

Image credits: 2Pro2Know

#29 So You Can Keep The Sharpener With The Pencil

Image credits: andron87

#30 This Highlighter I Caught My Kindergartner Trying To Eat Because He “Bought Bubble Gum At The Book Fair”

Image credits: nameaboveallnames

#31 Just Looking At This Slide Gives Me Back Pain

Image credits: MuraloDaMasterMemer

#32 The Hippo In My Kid's Library Book Is Actually A Rhino

Image credits: xbopop9

#33 This Ad Of A Kid Holding A Nerf Gun The Wrong Way

Image credits: P0isonW0lf

#34 Bought This Geometry Set For My Son, To Help Him In School. Comes With This Map Of The World That Has So Many Countries Spelled Incorrectly

I don't know what country VOGO is in Europe, but it's there. Panama is spelled Banama, but I suppose they do grow bananas there. Vietnam is shown as an island.

Image credits: QuietPerformance9752

#35 If You've Ever Thought Kids Getting Hurt One At A Time Isn't Efficient Enough, Here's An Idea

Image credits: etthat

#36 My Son Got An Artificial Coke Nail In His Christmas Cracker

Image credits: Jay-c58

#37 My Son Is Learning The Alphabet

Image credits: milodeceiving

#38 The Maze On The Kid's Menu Is Impossible To Get Through

Image credits: ItsAgentJelly

#39 How Can Kids Learn If You Don't Teach Them Properly

Image credits: Kurian246

#40 I'm Not Sure What To Say

Image credits: _Ryanite_

#41 Show Them What You've Got, Son

Image credits: Ecrelia

#42 My Son Who Just Started To Read “Hell Baby. Hell, Baby. Hell, Baby!!!”

Image credits: Hopeful_Relative_494

#43 I Saw A Kid Wearing This I Almost Passed Out Of Laughter

Image credits: MarsIswario

#44 My Kid Was Having A Hard Time Solving This

Image credits: urbangunslinga

#45 As A Baby Onesie It's Cute, But As A Kid's T-Shirt It's Troubling

Image credits: ShoeboxSupplies

#46 My Son’s Birthday Dinosaur Balloons Came Anatomically Correct

Image credits: JT3013

#47 This Board Book For Kids Is Pretty Confusing

Image credits: redundant_bobbin

#48 Terrible Solar System

What is happening with this solar system? I was hoping to teach the kids, I guess I should have looked closer before ordering it.

Image credits: WhyCantIBeFunny

#49 A Kids Bag From Zara

Image credits: Anvaya

#50 A Kid Will Just See Chocolate Paint And Think "Mmm. I'll Try That"

Image credits: YourFellaThere

#51 Oh Yeah, Sit On Me, Child

Image credits: Nonceulous

#52 My Son's Educational Alphabet Puzzle

Image credits: blitterer

#53 My Son Is Too Terrified To Learn Anything From These Speech Therapy Worksheets, And Frankly, I Don't Blame Him

Image credits: ToryFirstOfHisName

#54 I Decided To Open My Step Daughter's Junior Risk Board Game Tonight, And The Compass Is Incorrect

Image credits: glenthesboy

#55 My Son Was Trying To Help This Sheep. It Is Still Sad

Image credits: imonaraft

#56 This Dinosaur In My Daughter's Coloring Book Has Human Hands

Image credits: kayfray93

#57 Imagine Being Such A Bad Designer You Can Destroy A Child’s Ability To Count By Them Merely Looking At Your Design

Image credits: theWildBore

#58 Shrek And Brainless Donkey

Image credits: Palifaith

#59 I Don’t Even Want To Stand Near That Thing. Way To Go Brusters

Image credits: Timo3333

#60 Kids Learning Book Shows 3 Ducks For The Color Yellow. Guess They Ran Out Of Ideas

Image credits: Woonderbreadd

#61 Restaurant Puts Cocktails And Beers Right Under The Kids' Menu

Image credits: Leviathan946

#62 "Yeah, Whatever, Kids Are Stupid Anyway"

Image credits: EpriLeK

#63 This Upside-Down Alligator On My Son’s Onesie

Image credits: Liverpool510

#64 The Planets On My Son's New Rug Have Rings That Don't Go Around The Planet

Image credits: AnimationNation

#65 My Son Was Stumped With A State Abbreviation Crossword. Then I Looked At The Solution

Image credits: SirSilksalot

#66 All Toilets Must Be Centered In The Middle Of The Classroom So Kids Eating Their Snacks Three Feet Away Can Bare Witness To Their Classmates Defecating

Image credits: JKastnerPhoto

#67 Yoga Kids

Image credits: Timecook

#68 Look At This Conference Roo-Er Kids Zone

Image credits: Baseballorion

#69 I Gave My Daughter And I Matching Cereal Box Tattoos. Then I Noticed They Forgot To Mirror The Writing

Image credits: nattatalie

#70 My Kid's Alphabet Pencil Case Has A Nest In The "E" Spot

Image credits: rvaldron

#71 From My Niece's Kid's Book. So Nuts Or Nest Or Eggs?

Image credits: NoRefrigerator3502

#72 This Dinosaur In One Of The Kids' Books At Our School. The 3D Effect Just Makes It Worse

Image credits: Cheese_peace

#73 My Son's Kindergarten Worksheet

Image credits: Racknie

#74 Hundreds Of Kids Are Seeing This Abomination Every December In My City (For Size Comparison, A Regular Kid Is Around The Size Of His Shoe)

Image credits: Avrata27

#75 This Monstrosity In A Kids' Shoe Store

Image credits: ivke32

#76 My Daughter's New Shoes Are On Another Level

Image credits: situbusitgooddog

#77 My Kid Had Some Issues Using This Slide

Image credits: BeerofDiscord

#78 Children's "Christmas Pills". You Encourage Kids To Eat All The Pills Out Of The Blister Pack Like An Advent Calendar

Image credits: togish

#79 Good Thing My Kid Knows How To Count Already

Image credits: _polloloko23

#80 Why Is The Horn There?

Image credits: zdog505

#81 The Harry Potter Socks I Bought For My Kids That Look A Bit Like They Spell "Gayffindor"

Image credits: Tetragrammator

#82 This Giraffe On My Son's Valentine's Envelope

Image credits: Deliesh

#83 That's Okay Crazy-Looking Rainbow-Vomiting Unicorn. My Kids Didn't Want To Sleep Tonight Anyway

Image credits: FilthyRichCliche

#84 This Octopus From My Kid's Flashcards Is Missing Something. I Had To Attempt To Explain That An Octopus Actually Has 8 Arms

Image credits: YummyTerror8259

#85 My Friend's Daughter Went To Summer Camp And Received This "Meteor" Shirt

Image credits: Renka912

#86 My Kid Said Her Pants Were Too Big, So I Went To Tighten The Drawstring. It's Fake And Does Nothing

Image credits: g-e-o-f-f

#87 Get These For Your Daughters

Image credits: MatrixWolf1

#88 The Way My Son's Alphabet Puzzle Has The Knob Placed Directly Over Each Letter

Image credits: Pink_Flying_Monkeys

#89 This Labyrinth In My Daughter's Coloring Book

Image credits: martincgn

#90 On My Kid's Alphabet Puzzle. Why Would You Use A Word Where The Letter Is Silent?

Image credits: iamveryDerp

#91 A Monkey From My Son's Nature Book

Image credits: hobbesicle

#92 One Of My 2-Year-Old Son’s Books “Pairs Of Feet”

Image credits: ThePainCrafter

#93 My Daughter Needs A Balllet Bag For Ballet

Image credits: DigitalDelusion

#94 My Friend Got This For My Son. She Had No Clue It's In The Shape Of Ohio

Image credits: jthomp80

#95 At My Son's Doctor's Office

Image credits: sbguitarman

#96 The "Cheetah" On My Son’s Socks

Image credits: swimbikerunner

#97 Racel Car On A Plate At A Kid's Party

Image credits: RestaurantRufus

#98 Raw Kids

Image credits: meme-corpse

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